Annapolis Pickleball Club

Midnight Madness!

  • 01/13/2023
  • 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM
  • PIP Moyer Recreation Center
  • 0


Registration is closed

Registration for the first Midnight Madness Event on Friday, January 13, 2023, from 8:30 -11:30 pm at the Pip Moyer Rec Center will open on Monday, January 2 at 7:00 pm. 

The format will be “Level Open Play” with three levels: A (3.75 +), B (3.74 below) and Social. Participation will be limited to 48 participants, with 16 players per level.

You may only sign up for one Midnight Madness Event per month.

Nine pickleball courts will be set up on Courts #1, #3 and the Auxiliary Court and white boards will be used to regulate play.  Winners will split up and sign up first, with the 4 waiting players signing up next.  The losing players will sign up or rotate off the courts as space allows. Court #2 will be reserved for light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages provided by APC’s Social Committee.

There will be a charge of $5.00 per player to help cover the cost of the court rentals.

You MUST be a current 2023 member of APC to participate. You do not have to pay a drop-in fee or be a member of Pip Moyer.

Please arrive NO EARLIER than 8:15 pm and NO LATER than 8:45 pm. For security reasons, doors will be locked at 8:45 pm

Thank you and ENJOY!

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Copyright Annapolis Pickleball Club, 2025
Annapolis Pickleball Club is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization located at 1011 Bay Ridge Ave. #118,  Annapolis, MD  21403

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