Happy New Year! We hope 2025 is off to an amazing start for you.
We are thrilled to announce a game changing benefit for Annapolis Pickleball Club members: exclusive discounted membership to Life Time, a world-class health club with state-of-the-art amenities, including 11 pickleball courts, premium fitness facilities, and wellness programs.
This special opportunity is a fantastic way to enhance your APC membership and take advantage of everything Life Time has to offer – all at a significantly reduced cost.
Here’s How it Works:
To participate, APC members must be 2025 members in good standing (annual membership fee paid in full).
APC Member Pricing
We have negotiated special rates for APC members who join Life Time as new members, as follows:
APC Members (who are not already members of Life Time) and are in the First 100 APC members to join this program:
- Individual Life Time Membership: $133/month (33% discount off regular rate), plus 3% credit card processing fee: Total APC Member Cost: $136.99 per month. Life Time membership is regularly $199/month.
APC Members who are Existing Life Time Members:
- A slightly higher rate of $149/month (25% discount off regular rate), plus 3% credit card processing fee: Total APC Member Cost: $153.47 per month is being offered to APC members that already have an existing individual Life Time membership.
Note:Should a current Life Time member that is also an APC member wish to change their Life Time membership to be a part of the APC program, they should contact Jacob Pavlo, Life Time Business Development Manager, via email at: jpavlo@lt.life and provide Jacob with your name and Life Time member # and the membership will be changed to receive the savings. In these cases, the monthly APC Member cost is: $153.47per month.
Price After First 100 APC Members Become Life Time New Members:
- Once APC reaches 100 Life Time members, a slightly higher rate of $149/month (25% discount off regular rate), plus 3% credit card processing fee: Total APC Member Cost: $153.47 per month is available to APC members who join Life Time after the 100 APC member threshold has been met.
Invoicing and Payments:
Below, you will find information on how and when members will be invoiced. APC will be handling APC member invoicing and payments for this program. Life Time is not responsible for the monthly program invoicing.
- Within 72 hours of initial enrollment in the program through Life Time, new Life Time members will receive an invoice from APC for the prorated cost for the initial month of Life Time membership. As an example, if a member enrolls on the 15th. of the month, the invoice would be for $68.64, plus the 3% credit card processing fee. Total APC Member Invoice amount for initial month of enrollment: $70.70.
- After the initial month of enrollment, invoicing will be on a monthly basis. Once per month, on or about the 15th. of each month APC members participating in this program will receive an invoice for $136.99 ($133, plus 3% processing fee), which will pay for the upcoming monthly Life Time membership fee. For APC members that are already Life Time members, who wish to participate in this new program, the APC member will be invoiced $153.47 ($149, plus 3% processing fee).
- All APC member payments for the Life Time program are due no later than 5 days after receipt of the invoice. Payment must be made online through the APC website. Failure to pay the invoice by this deadline may result in membership suspension in this program and denial of entry to the Life Time facility.
Cancellation of Life Time Membership
APC members participating in this program may cancel their Life Time membership at any time, but cancellations require a 30 day notice.
Pickleball Open Play
Pickleball open play sessions are included in the monthly Life Time membership at no additional cost. However, court fees and reservations are the responsibility of Life Time management and subject to change. During peak playing times, should Life Time members wish to reserve a court, the current court fee is $40 per hour. At present, peak hours are Monday-Friday from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM and weekends from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Again, reservations and pricing during prime time are subject to change by Life Time management.
Additional Life Time Fees
The APC/Life Time program offers a special discount on the monthly Life Time membership only, which includes use of the Pickleball courts and other Life Time facilities. Certain Life Time programs and services may require additional fees (eg., private pickleball lessons, private gym trainer sessions, etc.).Speak to Life Time staff about programs requiring additional member costs.
Late Payments
Members must pay by a designated date each month. All APC member payments for the Life Time program are due no later than 5 days after receipt of the invoice. Failure to pay the invoice by this deadline may result in membership suspension in this program and denial of entry to the Life Time facility.
Program Auto-Renewal
The program will auto-renew monthly unless the APC member provides a 30-day notice to terminate their Life Time membership.
Member Benefits
This program offers unparalleled access to:
- · Premium fitness and wellness facilities.
- · A world-class pickleball environment with 11 indoor courts.
- · Significant cost savings compared to standard Life Time rates.
APC Members have two easy options to join the program:
Online – Members can go to the following Life Time link and can enroll in the APC Life Time program from anywhere. https://www.lifetime.life/oms?promotionName=APCMembers. Just follow the prompts. Members will be asked to add a Credit Card to cover the cost of incidentals such as private pickleball lessons, private training, food, etc. These costs are not included in the monthly membership fee and will NOT be invoiced by APC. APC will only be invoicing members for the monthly membership fee.
In-Person – APC members may also go directly to the Life Time facility in Annapolis and at the concierge desk, ask to enroll in the Annapolis Pickleball Club program. Life Time staff will walk the member through the sign up process and provide any other assistance needed.
Once an APC member has joined Life Time, Life Time will provide APC with a list of all new enrollees and after APC verifies that the members have paid their APC annual dues for 2025, APC will invoice the APC member for their monthly Life Time membership.
Note: Should a current Life Time member that is also an APC member wish to change their Life Time membership to be a part of the APC program, they should contact Jacob Pavlo, Life Time Business Development Manager, via email at: jpavlo@lt.life and provide Jacob with your name and Life Time member # and the membership will be changed to receive the savings. In these cases, the monthly APC Member cost is: $153.47per month.
Act now and become a member of this special APC Life Time program that provides significant cost savings to APC members!
Should you have any questions regarding billing or invoicing for this program, please reach out to Tom Krieck at director2@annapolispickleball.org. For general information about the program, simply reach out to me at president@annapolispickleball.org
We can’t wait to see you on the courts and at Life Time!
APC-Life Time Flyer PDF.pdf
All the best,
Peter Gaviorno
APC President
Annapolis Pickleball Club