Welcome to the 2024 Fall Open Ladder League (3.0-3.5 Men & Women)
Who:16 Players (Men/Women) per Ladder Event
Skill Level: 3.0-3.5
Where: Truxtun Park Blended Courts 1&2 (Lower Courts)
Time: 730AM-930AM
Dates: Wednesdays - Sep. 18, Sep. 25, Oct. 2, Oct. 10, Oct. 16
Skill Levels: DUPR rating 3.0-3.5 with a minimum of 25 games logged in DUPR required. If you have no DUPR rating or less than 25 games logged in DUPR please use USAPA link below for Self Rating. All self-rated registrants will receive a peer review to ensure proper ladder placement.
Format of Play:
16 players will be assigned to courts randomly
6 timed games per event: 15 minutes each
2 one minute timeouts permitted per game except during last 2 minutes of play
If at end of time limit, games tied will play 1 rally point to decide winner
Scores will be recorded in DUPR by the players located at court of play
First server and side will be decided by Odds & Evens
All 4 players on each court will play 3 games rotating partners each game
The 2 Players with the most wins after 3 games will move up a court (Court #1 being the highest) and the other 2 Players move down a court (Court #4 being the lowest). In the event 3 players have the same amount of wins. Tie breaker: 1) the 2 players with the most total points scored in all 3 games will move up 2) the least points lost
During the event a player is injured/sick during play and cannot continue, the team will forfeit. Scores will be reported to DUPR if the non-injured/sick team is winning and has scored at least 6 points.
All scores will be reported to DUPR by the players after each game.
*If you cancel your registration prior to 48 hours before the event, you will be given a credit on your APC account. There will be no refunds. Please be sure that you are available for this event before registering as finding a replacement is an impact on the volunteers and the remaining players in the event.
In the event of a cancellation of one of the ladder days, there will be no makeup day scheduled.
Requirements for Participation
Must have 1) DUPR account and 2) joined the Annapolis Pickleball Club on DUPR no less than 48 hours prior to the first event. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of registration. DUPR is free. When creating an account please use the exact name and email you used to register for the APC website.
If you are unable to attend an event and there is no one on the waitlist to fill your spot it is your responsibility to find a substitute within the same skill level. The ladder coordinator will attempt to assist you in finding a replacement with proper notification. Failure to do so will result in removal from the ladder, no refund and not permitted to register for the next iteration of APC competitive events. Failure to find a substitute places additional burdens on the volunteers who work very hard to coordinate and run these ladders. Please be respectful.
What is DUPR?
How to Sign Up & Join A Club Video
Download the DUPR App
Copyright Annapolis Pickleball Club, 2025 Annapolis Pickleball Club is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization located at 1011 Bay Ridge Ave. #118, Annapolis, MD 21403