Annapolis Pickleball Club

Looking for Beginners to play with

  • 02/26/2021 10:39 AM
    Reply # 10142440 on 10138191

    Hi Ann,

    Welcome to the sport of pickleball!  We have a large beginners' group. If you are an Annapolis Pickleball Club member, you can add your name to the Google document.  There is a link to the document on the Beginners Play page, which is located under the Let's Play tab. 

    I'll also send an email directly to you.


  • 02/25/2021 10:59 AM
    Message # 10138191

    I am a beginner and would like to find other beginners to play with outside.

    please contact me at

Copyright Annapolis Pickleball Club, 2024
Annapolis Pickleball Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization located at 1011 Bay Ridge Ave. #118,  Annapolis, MD  21403

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