Annapolis Pickleball Club

Vendor Day

  • 08/13/2022 9:01 PM
    Reply # 12882976 on 12877338
    Bethany Phillips (Administrator)

    Thanks for the suggestion Tuan.  I will share with the board at our next meeting. 

  • 08/08/2022 7:00 PM
    Message # 12877338
    Tuan (Toon) Thomson (Administrator)

    Our members may benefit from a day dedicated to commercial ventures related to the sport.  For example, a percentage of our folks are always in the market for a new paddle.  We could facilitate by formally hosting an event where both buyers and sellers can interact.  The same can be said about pickleball apparel or instructional services.  There is always interest and sporadic transactions (e.g. APC Exchange channel on Team Reach), but perhaps an annual or semi-annual event for all things pickleball can be rewarding for all parties involved.  Additionally, such an event coupled with a membership drive can foster goodwill with prospective members.  We can even hold such an event during special club meetings to boost attendance and feedback from the community, as needed.

    Last modified: 08/11/2022 4:09 PM | Tuan (Toon) Thomson (Administrator)

Copyright Annapolis Pickleball Club, 2025
Annapolis Pickleball Club is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization located at 1011 Bay Ridge Ave. #118,  Annapolis, MD  21403

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