Annapolis Pickleball Club

APC Pickleball Olympics

  • 07/07/2023 2:40 PM
    Reply # 13224981 on 13214088
    Bethany Phillips (Administrator)

    This does sound fun!  Unfortunately we are in need of volunteers to pick up and run with all of these great ideas! We will have a volunteer sign up day coming soon, hopefully on the day of our Super Volunteer Cindy's Farewell. 

  • 06/19/2023 9:45 AM
    Reply # 13216880 on 13214088

    Sounds fun!!

  • 06/12/2023 12:42 PM
    Message # 13214088
    Tuan (Toon) Thomson (Administrator)

    Aside from the annual APC Open Pickleball Tournament, I would love to offer all APC members (both tournament and non-tournament) an opportunity to compete in a more social and fun event, which I tentatively will call the APC Pickleball Olympics.  I would like to propose the following suggestions in hopes of garnering board approval and to foster more ideas as they relate to event format and actual events:

    1.  Attendees will participate in teams to encourage camaraderie and shorten the time that it will take to complete a large-scale event like this.
    2.  Possible events:
         a.  Set up a Swiftnet blindfolded.  Fastest time wins.
         b.  Identify your paddle from a stack of paddles blindfolded.
         c.  Serving a pickleball into buckets that are positioned at various locations on the opposite courts and that have various point values assigned to them.
         d.  Pickleball costume / fashion contest
         e.  Regulation doubles game but with your off-hand
         f.  Three-legged race to place balls in each of the buckets that are attached to each court.  Fastest time wins.

Copyright Annapolis Pickleball Club, 2024
Annapolis Pickleball Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization located at 1011 Bay Ridge Ave. #118,  Annapolis, MD  21403

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