Annapolis Pickleball Club

Truxtun Courts

  • 05/01/2021 11:20 AM
    Reply # 10420835 on 10257440
    Phyllis Emmett

    I have been checking the pickleball court progress at Truxtun over the last month. First, I was pleased to see that the dedicated courts have been moved to a more reasonable location.  One that we tried to negotiate in the beginning, knowing we would grow in numbers, but the powers at the time were not persuaded. 

    What I am concerned about is the latest addition of the dividing fence.  It appears that it will completely divide the six courts into two areas of three, with no walk-thru ability.  Is there an entrance for each side?  Is there a project manager who knows anything about pickleball and how we operate?  Can we trust that the court lines will be drawn accurately?  I only express these concerns because we have been 4 years at this and the project has never appeared to be managed with any forethought.  I hope I am wrong.

  • 04/01/2021 3:11 PM
    Reply # 10261109 on 10257440
    Michael Klybor (Administrator)

    yes, and a water source would be nice as well. I will forward this reminder to the board. I think that an upgrade of some sort of planned.

  • 03/31/2021 3:45 PM
    Message # 10257440

    In the 3/22/21 Update a couple of items (lights & ball machine) were mentioned as supplemental to the courts.  While I like both of those ideas, I have an additional suggestion that should precede them.   Upgraded toilets from the port-a-potty previously provided.  If we can't get more permanent type facilities, can we at least get nicer ones and can the city ensure more frequent cleanings/pickups for it?  More than one would be nice.

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